segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2008

Relationship or Relationsheep?

In my seminar Honourable Sexuality most of the questions are about relationships and why it doesn't work. My answer is that they don't work because are based in old patterns and models, outdated cultural conditionings which includes possessiveness and jealousy (outcome of needs, fears and controls), and worth than that, taking the other for granted.
Unless we understand and recognize that the other is in our life by free will and choice and be always thankful, for he/she has no obligations to fulfill our expectations and demands concerned to our needs of filling the holes left, mostly, by our parents and infant experiences, it will end up as a disaster, drama, suffering and pain. It's a natural consequence of the distortion of how a relationship should be. It's an old model that never ever worked, as we all know; it has to do with control and manipulation. To call it "love" is to be too naive or ignorant or both. It's no more than the win-lose love game. And love can't be a game.
When 2 persons meet is, at first, just a biological attraction, which we call passion. To develop it toward true love, we must have a conscious commitment of only giving without asking anything back; giving for the sake and pleasure of giving, and being grateful if the other receives, for he/she might not be open and willing to receive. So it implies from both a deep surrender and sense of gratitude.
Short time ago I finished a relationship because she took me for granted. She confused 'surrender' with weakness. This was her mistake. Mine was to be so involved with my own feeling of passion that I couldn't see - or didn't want to see for it would finish my beautiful dream, and so I compromised - that she was not ready yet to live such a deep commitment.
In the old model the couple kept together because of need instead of free will. For not recognize that their true nature is to be alone they cling to each other out of fear of being lonely; jealousy and possessiveness is a reflexion of it. Actually both of them are a violent reaction in an attempt to control and manipulate. They are a 'normal' behaviour according to the conditioned mind, but never 'natural'. If my nature is to be alone, how can I demand from someone else anything which is not my right, not respecting the other's right to be alone?
This is the moment when we transform a relationship into a relationsheep. 'Sheeps' are not able to stand on their own, they need crowds to give sense and meaning to their lives; 'lions' are a light unto themselves, and human beings are 'lions' by nature, whether they know it or not.
For 2 people to evolve and grow as a couple, some few things must be understood:
The first and most important is that 'freedom' is, consciously or not, the ultimate value of each and every human being. So, to live together under the same roof day by day is a big challenge. We have to be 100% responsible for our lives and this includes the other. We have to be more concerned with the other's needs than our own (it's a great opportunity to drop the ego and recognize that, in essence, we don't really need anything that we don't already have). We have to be always willing and ready to step back and out to give room to the other. And, definitely, both have to meditate together - whatever way they find to be in a meditative state, or vacuum or emptiness -, walking hand by hand in the spiritual path, in the way to evolution. Only them they can be in the same level and the competition game is over.

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